Overzealous Prosecutors

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Overzealous Influenza Thoughts

I have been waylaid by a 103 degree temperature, but I did not let that stop me from working out today with Disco and... ::sighs:: "TheGreatOne". Today was a milestone for me as I achieved sets of 135 lbs on bench. I have been improving by about 5 lbs per week under the new workout regime. Still, I'm now feeling REALLY sick. Probably wasn't a good idea to work out. Anyhow, I had some thoughts.

1 - We're living in the Bushantine Empire.

2 - Every account you've ever heard about the Infirmary is true. I complained about my memory problems repeatedly and the doctor, who for the moment shall remain unnamed, laughed each time. "Oh, so you have Alzheimer's?" Hahahahahah. NO, I don't think I have Alzheimer's. I just think you should be fired.

3 - UES member Tom Durrenberger, who keeps track of the number of meetings he has attended, will most likely have a column for this semester in The Alligator.

4 - As suggested by a reader, MrsMiaWallace, we should have profiles of ourselves available on this website.

5 - Alex Skobel's theory on rampant female bisexuality has more evidence. Follow this link. This is brought to us by reader Noossab27. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the debate, I will post the pictorial record shortly.

6 - Pictorial should be changed to 'pictoral' in the dictionary.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Overzealous backstage coverage

OP has correspondents backstage the the MTV VMA's in Miami...look for behind the scene news coming soon...developing...

Overzealous Preview, Cont'd

As Disco pointed out in a post sadly sandwiched between my Byzantium love fest,

Coming soon the OP will bring you news on a certain athletic director's romantic life, UF's hiring of an alleged child molester as an instructor, behind the scene news on the set of TV's biggest shows, what are Rehnquist's plans and more OP exclusives...sure to impact you next week.

But not to be forgotten is my continued account of the wonder of the Byzantine Empire.

Classically yours,

Overzealously Byzantine, Part I: Late Art

One of the most important ways that the Byzantine Empire has gone overlooked is in its arts and their effects on the supposed "renaissance" which I guess single-handedly, magically revitalized the Greco-Roman heritage. Only one thing: the Byzantine Empire was one of the direct links to that heritage, and til now, has gone largely ignored. This portion of the my look at Byzantine art focuses on its latter stages, the ones which unshrouded the antique for those of the West and flooded them with the mystery and humanity.

However, Kitzinger writes of Byzantine art,

...there is another side to Byzantine art, a side perpetually nourished and reinvigorated by Byzantium's Greco-Roman heritage, thanks to which figures may appear in lively action, in three-dimensional corporeality, and in spatial settings. Frescoes such as those of Castelseprio and Sopocani, and miniatures such as those of the Joshua Roll or the Paris Nicander Manuscript are just as 'Byzantine' as Vasari's [loathed] row of saints....

And also

There are, for one thing, certain media which became prominent in Western art during the 12th and 13th centuries and which were wholly or largely imported from Byzantium. One such medium is wall mosaic, a forgotten art in the West... another is panel painting... a third medium which should be mentioned is stained glass.... Then there is the Byzantine canon of iconographic themes and types, which all along had exerted great and authoritative influence in the West.... Finally, mention must be made of the West's perennial fascination with the splendor and luxuriousness of Byzantine sumptuary arts, a fascination powerfully stimulated during this period through reliquaries and other precious objects brought back by the Crusaders....

The author goes on to cite the movement of artists as more important than, say, the movement of artistic objects in influencing Western arts. But even more important than all must be the stylistic influences imported and/or paralleled. Apparently Wilhelm Koehler is the authority here. In a lecture given at Dumbarton Oaks, according to Kitzinger, Koehler "pointed up the essential unity of what had until then been treated as more or less disparate phenomena in various branches of pictorial arts in Italy, in France, in England, and in Germany; it focused on style as the crucial area of contact between East and West during this period; and it penetrated beyond the mere definition of stylistic features to an understanding of what motivated Western artists in adopting these features."

I will try to summarize these breakthroughs as best I can, but I am condensing from a dense tract. Among the stylistic influences, then, is the 'damp fold' or "soft clinging drapery which so often is seen enveloping the limbs of painted or carved figures of this period" and "it becomes apparent that behind this purely formal device lies a new interest in the human form and its organic structure and movement; it signifies, to use Koehler's own words, 'a new type of human being.'" (see figure 1)

I agree.

Figure 1

Then there is the "dynamic" style which until recently had not been properly appreciated as the full-fledged Byzantium contribution to the arts and world that it was-- itself, well-defined. One example can be seen in the resplendent Monreale, created by Greek artists and later reflected in Austria, Saxony, Rhineland, France and England. See figure 2. This style particularly touched England, which formed from this style its manic ways of "expressing extremes and emotional agitation."

Figure 2

Although many Western artists modified dynamic style, or other Byzantine influences, into their own unique interpretations, and many proto-renaissance movements of Italy and France during medieval times surely remain vital to explain the 'progress' (a notion I actually reject) of Western art,

It was Byzantine art with its continuous and living challenge which had provided the principal schooling for the great and decisive breakthrough in the early 13th century. In successive stages, it had held before Western eyes an ideal of the human form, first as a coherent and autonomous organism, then as an instrument of intense action and emotion. This was what enabled the West finally to make its own terms with the classical past, and to create its own version of humanistic art. Ultimately Byzantium's role was that of a midwide, a pace-maker.

The author stands back and feels the current of artistic spirit here, concluding that,

[Byzantine influence] was not the dead hand of tradition. It reflects a series of live impulses from a living art. These impulses entered the main stream of the Italian development, and far from retarding or interrupting that development played an important, if indirect, part in bringing about its climax.

Finally, "the spell which Byzantine art held for so long-- and in Italy so much longer than in the North-- was due to its sustained quest for human values."

And yet, the essence of Byzantine art remains somewhere hidden in the past. Part II: Middle Art will provide more clues as to the identity and the meaning of Byzantine art, going beyond looking at its mere artistic influence on the West.

Overzealous Preview

The OP staff has been overzealously pursuing leads on some stories that we will bring you over the next week.

Coming soon the OP will bring you news on a certain athletic director's romantic life, UF's hiring of an alleged child molester as an instructor, behind the scene news on the set of TV's biggest shows, what are Rehnquist's plans and more OP exclusives...sure to impact you next week.

Also, OP has aquired Kanye West's latest CD Late Registration directly from label head Jay-Z. This CD will not dissapoint you because there is no sophomore slump for the Louis Vuitton Don Mr. West. Standout tracks include We Major, Gold Digger, Stay, Celebration and Hey Mama. You will not regret buying this CD since it is the perfect mix of beats and conscientious lyrics. Kanye proves he is the most overzealous musician out there today (well along with Kelly Clarkson).

Overzealously Byzantine, Introduction

For many years, and by many people, the Byzantine Empire received heaps of scorn for petty reasons. From armchair art critics, military historians, to anyone in general who for a moment turned their gaze to the past, people wanted to kick an Empire when it was down. From Vasari to Gibbon and most recently to Babak Lotfinia (resident Gainesville classicist and UES President Emeritus), the Empire and everything related to it is criticized as uninteresting, derivative, or stagnant.

Yup, the Empire was SO stagnant that it managed to survive for well-nigh one millennium. A good primer on the Empire can be found on Wikipedia (as always). If the Empire was so pathetically static, how could it have survived? Is it truly just a 1000 to 1200 yr gap in the history of humanity? Is it the new-minted version of the end of history that we could look forward to in event of nuclear holocaust or middle east hegemony?

Obviously, the Empire did not just hold on to dear life at the behest of forgiving neighbors who hadn't the desire to destroy them. Nor did the citizens just mope around all day looking for food and sustenance like zombies. Believe it or not, they were bona fide human beings!

Some of the little Byzantine colonies such as Serbia, Bulgaria, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, have also gone overlooked and misanalyzed in much the same way and for some of the reasons. One of the reasons has to be this trenchant snobbery on the part of classicists who see God's work in the form of Hellenic and Roman art. Me? I'm not so impressed. I prefer the Byzantine thing.

And in modern days, the B.E. has made a comeback of sorts. The author of Uses of the Past found that holiest of concepts, paradox, in the Hagia Sophia's form and content. Starting his journey into history, Muller writes:

Only, my reflections failed to produce a neat theory of history, or any simple, wholesome moral. Hagia Sophia, or the 'Holy Wisdom,' gave me instead a fuller sense of the complexities, ambiguities, and paradoxes of human history. Nevertheless, I propose to dwell on these messy meanings. They may be, after all, the most wholesome meanings for us today; or so I finally concluded.

This author's embrace of the Hagia Sophia represents the one of the first steps in grasping an understanding of the B.E. for what it was, what it means, and what it might yet become. Now, for example, we are beginning to understand the Byzantine contribution to Western art of the 12th and 13th centuries-- and that includes foundational elements for the much vaunted and so-called "renaissance."

By finally coming to grips with this missing part of our classical and historical identities, we may come toward a more unified sense of humanity-- once seen as positively Oriental and static, the Byzantine Empire may find a home in the modern day. We should welcome it, and in so doing, transcend our stilted past to become a worthier whole. As a God Whisper of Han Qing-jao says (yes, I know this is a fictional person):

"I once heard of a tale of a man
who split himself in two.
The one part never changed at all;
the other grew and grew.
The changeless part was always true,
The growing part was always new,
And I wondered, when the tale was through,
Which part was me, and which was you."

Overzealous Abstinence

Red Hat, for reasons unbeknownst to me, is referring good post material to others to post as opposed to doing so for himself, so let me make some overzealous commentary on the latest overzealous abstinence people, but this time in Britain.

Reading material can be found here. Pertinent excerpt:

The show will follow six boys and six girls aged 15 to 17 as they are coaxed into favouring celibacy over sex. The show will see the dozen share a house for a weekend to test whether they can resist the urge to get frisky. No Sex Please, We're Teenagers is the brainchild of Christian youth workers Dan Burke and Rachael Gardner. The duo are to set up a "Romance Academy" to teach the teenagers the ways of good old-fashioned courting, rather than the booze-fuelled romp that led to one of the young folks, 15-year-old Wesley, losing his virginity at the age of 12.

::sighs:: First of all, I'm not sure why these Christian youth workers would play with the lives of adolescents like this and basically set the conditions for them becoming sexually active (three are virgins) or continuing in their activity, when they seek to discourage it. I don't know if the BBC would air something rigged, but it seems like an awful chance to take and it would never make it on network television here-- with good reason. Our reality shows, such as the legendary Dancing with the Stars, still have some class and standards, even if the aforementioned show was unjustly stolen from EVERYONE'S favorite John O'Hurley. Even the most cutthroat of reality shows, like GvB, have to be better than this new BBC idea.

Again, I reiterate, what the HELL are the supposed youth ministers thinking?

Now, on to my next rant: let's get over the fact that teenagers do have sex. And it really depends whether they should or not. Teenagers are not beyond love, or safe lust. It doesn't matter what dumb law you have on the books, they're gonna do it. I don't advocate teenage sex for teenage sex's sake, I merely wish people could let the matter alone as if it's a sign of moral decay in society because TRUST me, its been happening since the beginning. It happens in your next door neighbor's house. It happens in parks. It happens in high school bathrooms, high school classrooms, as well as their middle school counterparts. It happens on buses, on the grass, and in other places.

Would I condone my children going at it from the ages of 13 to 19? The answer is a definite 'no' up until the later years of the range because they are adults and capable of making their own decisions at that point. Even though my heart would be completely against it, my head tells me that they have rights and should be respected to make their own decisions-- with my advice of course. That's my job as a parent: to guide and to be supportive, not to own.

As Admiral Kirk said in Star Trek II, "We learn by doing."

( I'll probably regret posting this later... )

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Overzealous French F-words

I just had to post about this.

Although I am not usually one for decrying animal rights violations, this article on Drudge Report irked me. I wouldn't complain if they were using dead animals that died naturally or something like that, but even to the completely anti-PETA people like myself, this act of hooking LIVE cats and dogs through their noses or feet (or for that matter, ANY part of the body), must terribly repulse them.

To catch sharks?

Look, I understand the needs of an economy, but surely there must be better ways than torturing these animals who feel pain and feelings like you and me. There's simply no amount of money that can excuse this kind of barbarism from a supposedly civilized people.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Overzealous Ohioans

Is this what we are saving the music for?? these kids....well lets just say they participate in some overzealous extracurriculars. By the way the school's mascot....The Trojans.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Overzealous Doors

Take a look at this. Let us just be sure to be clear: there's nothing as good as the Star Trek door, which you now find in many stores, and rightfully so... for it is very aesthetically pleasing and happy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Overzealous America's Team

To nobody's surprise...the New York Yankees are once again America's Team.

Harris Interactive poll finds the Yankees are the Nation's Favorite Baseball Team for the third year in a row.

Rank 1999

Rank 2003

Rank 2004

Rank 2005

New York Yankees





Atlanta Braves





Chicago Cubs





Boston Red Sox





New York Mets





Notice how the bandwagon fans of that team from Boston shot up when they became respectable.

Overzealous 80's Pop Star


Summary: Madonna fell off an overzealous horse and broke a bunch of bones. Boo hoo.

"Madonna's an old anorexic whore who wore out her welcome years ago, and now she suddenly speaks with a British accent and thinks she can play guitar and she should go fuck herself."
-Kenny McCormick, South Park

Monday, August 15, 2005

Overzealous candidate

First of all, thanks for the birthday wishes from all the readers.

More importantly: Move over Hillary...you have some real competition. This candidate needs more cowbell.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Overzealous Birthdays

On behalf of everyone at OP, and all in Las Vegas, I'd like to wish Diego 'Disco' Madrigal a happy birthday. August 14th is surely a date that will live on in... well... come to think of it, I believe it will be remembered as a great day of infamy. Even if he is a Boston Red Sox fan deep down inside.

Overzealous Linguists

While waiting in my LV hotel room to go to dinner, I browsed ol AlDaily.com, an amazing website if you have never been to it-- one which I would recommend going to on an almost daily basis. I found an article about sports. You can find it in The Nation here. It quotes Noam Chomsky. Here's an excerpt:

"Sports keeps people from worrying about things that matter to their lives that they might have some idea of doing something about. And in fact it's striking to see the intelligence that's used by ordinary people in sports [as opposed to political and social issues]. I mean, you listen to radio stations where people call in--they have the most exotic information and understanding about all kinds of arcane issues. And the press undoubtedly does a lot with this...Sports is a major factor in controlling people. Workers have minds; they have to be involved in something and it's important to make sure they're involved in things that have absolutely no significance. So professional sports is perfect. It instills total passivity."

Chomsky correctly highlights how people use sports as a balm to protect themselves from the harsh realities of the world. He is also right that the intelligence and analysis many of us invest in sports far outstrips our dissecting of the broader world. It is truly amazing how we can be moved to fits of fury by a missed call or a blown play, but remain too under-confident to raise our voices in anger when we are laid off, lose our healthcare, or suffer the slings and arrows of everyday life in the United States.

The weakness in Chomsky's argument, however, is that it disregards how the very passion we invest in sports can transform it from a kind of mindless escape into a site of resistance. It can become an arena where the ideas of our society are not only presented but also challenged. Just as sports can reflect the dominant ideas of our society, they can also reflect struggle. The story of the women's movement is incomplete without mention of Billie Jean King's match against Bobby Riggs. The struggle for gay rights has to include a chapter on Martina Navratilova. When we think about the Black freedom struggle, we picture Jackie Robinson and Muhammad Ali along with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. And, of course, when remembering the movement for Black Power, we can't help but visualize one of the most stirring sights of our sports century: Tommie Smith and John Carlos's black-gloved medal stand salute at the 1968 Olympics.

I can't begin to tell you how repulsively stupid this column is to me. Check that. I can. First of all, you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to talk about slings and arrows of life in the United States. Regardless of class, life in the US is much better than almost anywhere else in the world. MUCH much better. This whole column is an exercise in whining about existence, really. Moaning about life because he can. Oh, and because we have a Republican administration, let's not forget that. Sports is not a major factor in controlling people because when people do not constantly think about sports. They may like them, be obsessed with them, even adopt a team or league or something as part of their identity-- but they are not CONTROLLED by them. If they are controlled by sports, they are controlled by art of all types, books of all stripes, and I'd argue to a far more pervasive extent, news media.

But, you see, this is not true unless you live in a world like Chomsky's, where everything is a construct design to oppress- um, except for HIS constructs, which are benevolent. As benevolent as Pol Pot, according to Chomsky. Or Mao, according to O.J. Simpson ( I refer you to the groundbreaking interview currently on ESPN.com ).

People do not use sports IN ORDER TO INSULATE THEMSELVES from the world. It is something that is merely available to them, and they can be adopted, sometimes as social custom, sometimes to fill the day-- not everyone likes reading Homer or Shakespeare. Apparently only the "higher intellectual activities" are not insulating people from something since academics and intellectuals surely have no insecurities at all.

Further, people do not watch or participate in sports because it reflects something some intellectual sees in their lives. It's probably quite the opposite. Also, people surely find the social progress in sports heartening, but to say it's one of the best things about sports? Good lord...

I know this has seemed incoherent, but I'm at a complete loss to explain how leftists produce this nonsense.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Overzealous update

UPDATE: OP is hearing of two well known names testing positive for steroids. 1 from each league....One will be extremely schocking and crush alot of fans, the other is not that big of a surprise. Impacting....

More: We are hearing one of the players is a pitcher and one is a sure fire hall of famer...these could be describing the same person. Perhaps someone is heading to MANfamy. Expect the news to break as early as next week...

Overzealous Roids

BREAKING NEWS- OP EXCLUSIVE: A source close to MLB tells the OP that another big name baseball star will soon be suspended under the steroid policy. The source says the player is now in the appeal stage. Developing....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Overzealous Tara among other things

Currently watching Wild On with Tara Reid. Synopsis: She gets drunk and looks for dick....draw your own conclusions.

3 days of football practice are done, tommorrow they put on pads and start hitting. Lets see if this team has gotten tougher. Also, in an OP exclusive...Deshawn Wynn will be suspended for the first game, positive drug test. Developing....

Also, I dont know if anyone watches Laguna Beach they can view the prom pictures for the kids here. Also, for more candid fair, you can see Lo's webshots (she was apparently on the first season).

The fake OC has apparently had some wardrobe malfunctions:

Lindsay Lohan is gearing up for future wardrobe mishaps. Lindsay has hired a personal trainer to help her reacquire her once famously curvy figure:
But although Lohan, 19, has always refuted the claims, she has employed a specialist trainer to help her bulk up. Exercise coach Justin Gelband has put the ‘Herbie: Fully Loaded’ star on a special diet to restore her sexy curves and the star has purportedly gone up two dress sizes.

She said: “I’m working out with a trainer and eating healthily. I want my boobs back.” Justin also claims the teen star, famed for her love of partying, is planning to ditch her unhealthy habits for good. He said: “Lindsay is very athletic.”In the future she plans to commit herself to a healthier lifestyle.”

Finally, UF students prove Scott Stapp is a douche.

Overzealous NYC

I don't have my camera with me so I can't share the amazing Norfolk adventure with you yet-- I will go day by day in my recollections and reminisces, of course, you know, for the loyal readership.

But this much I will say: I am up in NYC and having a great time. I saw The Notebook last night too, which I really enjoyed. Alzheimer's is the one thing in the world that genuinely scares me. The ending completely jars with the rest of the movie, but what can you do? We ate at a place called Junior's which was a 15-20 minute walk. As I vowed to do with this blog, I will detail what I ate: a 20 oz Sirloin steak with mac & cheese. I also had some ol Whiskey Sour, which I think will be a companion of mine as I move into my last years of life.

Tonight, dinner in Brooklyn Heights w/ Maudie and Sumul, I hope. Before that, I think EHK and I are going to go "shopping" but I won't be buying anything. You know me.

Oh, and... I'm so happy that I wasn't overzealously campaigning for Bush / Cheney by putting any of those stickers on my car before I came. Not a Republican looking area. :)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Overzealous Athletics

Speaking of overzealous, and no I don't mean Rick Santorum,

Did you catch the note about the NCAA banning the use of Native American mascots in the tournaments they control at the end of the season? This means the Seminoles, for instance, will have to find new logos on their helmet for the ACC tournament and bowl game. This is like gun registration-- it's simply a prelude to taking the mascots away permanently. There have been a lot of grumblings over the years, notably from people at the University of Illinois with a completely overblown sense of importance that can only be called "overzealous."

It is sad that the NCAA would get involved with this, not letting schools be, as there are plenty of odd mascots for other peoples too-- umm Cowboys?

What's next, the NHL opening and having a successful season? Where will the insanity end?

Overzealous Adventures

Sorry faithful readers,

I am going to be going on an adventure soon. I will set course in the Enterprise from Gainesville and go through Jacksonville and Savannah en route to Charlotte in Day One, seeing friends Agent M. McCluskey, Kevin KMac McDonald, and finally Kevin and Alisabeth. Day Two will hopefully involve seeing Taylor in Charlottesville, her sister Lea in Annapolis, and people in Washington D.C. Then I will make the last leg to NYC where I will hang with Maudie and Eun Hea Kim. As a note, almost all of the people mentioned are on thefacebook, your favorite spy tool.

I don't know when and where I will have internet access, but I will try to keep the people happy. Rumor has it that this is the hottest blog on the blogosphere right now...

...after NYC, EHK and I fly to Las Vegas. We will ride horses, go to the Grand Canyon, and try to have a good time. Kevin Lee and Ashley Leonhardt will be there, as will... yes... William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, and Kate Mulgrew (Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway).

When I get, redecorating the apartment!!!!


Friday, August 05, 2005

Overzealous bodily functions

Now, I know we've all been fans of Fergie since she was a young Stacy Ferguson on Kids Incorporated (along with a young Jennifer Love Hewitt). I didnt know she had aged this much and lost control of her bodily functions...I guess they are being renamed the Black Eyed Pees.

Also, I saw a trailer for a new movie with Rachel McAdams. She played Regina in Mean Girls and was in the Notebook. Despite the fact she is Canadian, I think she soon will be a huge star. I recommend buying her stock if you play the hollywood stock exchange....is there anyone else out there with more potential??

Overzealously Aesthetic

Speaking of reading too much into something, I thought I would share a controversial but highly acclaimed column from The Alligator this Tuesday. People can't seem to get enough... IMPACTING...


Money quotes:
"Art may come in many forms, including the varicolored accounts of garrulous historians who can portray movement through time."

"Accordingly, we have seen why art can be inherently political. Perhaps we should be more interested with the converse statement: Politics is inherently artistic."

"I wonder if this means, despite our disagreements, we should appreciate each other's art at a high abstract level. We should retain our ability to condemn and to properly judge, but also to understand we may seek the same ends."


Speaking of Overzealous

Let's not be slow, weak, or reticent in our duty to be overzealous in the War on Trr. There are many more terrorists and many more states harboring them. France, anyone? To sit on our laurels is to let this black scourge fester. We must take the fight to the rest of the countries who would dare to act against the United States' interests. We should make long-horizon plans to reunify Korea, even if they do think it's our fault they're disjointed now, and prepare for the annexation of Cuba, Canada, and Mexico. More later.

Overzealous Tyson

Hello and welcome all to the long awaited blog. The reason I have started it at this time is because this article has come to my attention. Now, I'm no fan of porno but, I may have to have do more research on this: Mike Tyson turns to Porn

more to come....