Overzealous Prosecutors

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Overzealous Casting

Do you have ANY idea how happy Karen Allen is to have a job? To be talking to people with careers? I know this seems mean, but it's not mean, I am bringing this up for anthropological purposes: this human being could not POSSIBLY be happier.

This is what Disco would be like if Michael Jackson asked him back to the Magical Kingdom for a nightcap. This is what TheGreatOne would be like if he never had to hear the word 'budget' again. This is what Red Hat would be like if the Devil Rays won a game against someone other than the Yankees. This is what Desert Fox would look like if he was offered a crew scholarship at Cairo University. This is what Corey Haim would look like if he got a contract for a one-time high school production of Lost Boys 3. This is what I would look like if I got to clean the bottom of people's shoes or help Mr. Nimoy with his irritable bowel syndrome on the set of the next Star Trek movie.

It's a wonderful thing to see, folks. This... THIS is happiness. Kudos to Karen Allen on a wonderful hair dye job.


  • She was also weighing an offer to star with Drew Carey on The Price is Right...

    guess she's happy she doesn't have to do that now

    By Blogger Disco, at 12:53 AM  

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