Overzealous Prosecutors

Friday, September 07, 2007

Overzealous Roids

Overzealous Prosecutors is breaking its long-held silence about the latest great villain behind the destruction of baseball. While unions haven't gone away, they have been vanquished as powerful foes and given way to the people's enjoyment of the game once more. However, that hasn't stopped this nefarious character from continuing to wile away -- ever plotting the demise of baseball and its adherents. I speak, of course, of ROIDS LARUSSA.

Informally, OP has talked of this scourge on the game for some time. Amongst others, 'Roids' oversaw the continuous and barbaric torture of Jose Canseco's body, only to follow it with once-innocent but soon-tarnished Mark McGwire's while Manager of the Oakland Athletics. After some losing seasons in Oakland, Roids vowed to never again endure the academic censure of his colleagues -- and so soon led many young, upcoming, idealistic stars into the ways of performance-enhancing drugs while at the same time offering salvation to old, stagnating stars of yesteryear.

Mark McGwire, not so coincidentally, enters the picture once more. But also think back to Scott Rolen, whose body drugs left ravaged, and Jim Edmonds, who hit a bit too well for too long if you ask me. Like Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols was eerily talented, but was he too inculcated in the ways of Roids LaRussa? Now there's Rick Ankiel working in the system. ( And Troy Glaus might be his best friend. )

COINCIDENCE?? I ask you, the jury, could this all POSSIBLY be a coincidence? Is there any other manager who has even a remotely similar record? Is there any possible way that Roids LaRussa could not have known of the disgusting legacy he was fostering in a once-honorable league?

Is there anything we can do to STOP it? Stephen A. Smith: call Roids LaRussa. Bring this man to justice.