Overzealous Prosecutors

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Overzealous Denial

From this article about Michael Jackson's attorney Tom Mesereau:

"Mesereau also defended Larry Carroll, a local newsman who had been accused of a complex fraud. Those charges were dismissed.

And finally, there is Michael Jackson — the seemingly self-tortured black man who is one of the most famous and unusual celebrities in the world.

"I didn't get to Michael Jackson through a Hollywood connection," Mesereau says. "A person close to Michael Jackson knew a lot about my work in the black community." For Mesereau, the Jackson matter was everything he could want — a high-profile case with "an absolutely ideal client on a personal level" whom he saw as persecuted by overzealous prosecutors."

We here at OP would like to deny this baseless accusation by Mr. Mesereau. Overzealous Prosecutors has been steadfast in our support for the King of Pop, going as far as suggesting he deserved sovereign immunity seeing as how he is a monarch.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Overzealous Scare Tactics

Now, let me tell you, I LOVE the Scare Tactics show. I will sit there crying laughing so hard. There's just no other show that has ever had that effect on me. I love seeing people crap their pants because aliens are running towards them or zombies and stuff.

Compliments of Taylor D, I have some HILARIOUS clips to show you. If y'all know of any more please send them to me!

Gay PETA activist meets a "Little Monster Man"

Trick or Treating in Union Park

Overzealous Gators

And oh, by the way,

Unlike the wildly overachieving South Carolina Gamecocks, the Florida Gators finally performed right around where we expected them to perform this year and won against the woefully incompetent FSU 34-7.

Let it not be said that OP does not cover all great news in the Gator Nation-- that's right, Sunbuzz, I'm looking in your direction.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Overzealous Reader Mail

I've been getting a lot of reader mail asking when a blog devoted exclusively to Steve Spurrier himself will be created. Let me just say that the thought had occurred to me and I am investigating it.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Overzealous Celebrity Blogs


...compliments of the Armchair Generalist, we have some celebrity bloggers on the prowl:

-Zach Braff, from Scrubs and Garden State
-Ben Roethlisberger, star quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers
-Scott Adams, creator/author of Dilbert

Overzealous Quiz

Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday everyone!

You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.



Cultural Creative














What is Your World View? (updated)
created with QuizFarm.com

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Overzealous FTAA Debate

Hey everyone,

I'd like to thank those of you who came out to show support for people, freedom, humanity, people doing well, people getting jobs, and so on.

Once upon a time, and by once upon a time I mean in the year 2293, Captain James T. Kirk overcame his own deep-seeded prejudice to create peace between the Klingon Empire and Federation. He did so knowing that, instead, the Federation could have kept a strong military and brought them to their knees-- dictated terms to them since their Empire was in collapse.

Kirk said, "Your father spoke of the future as the undiscovered country."

Spock replied that he had thought Hamlet always referred to death.

But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others we know not of.

Kirk nodded, saying that "Gorkon thought it might mean something else-- another kind of life. People can be very frightened of change."

And that's all the anti-FTAA people are: desperately frightened of change. I'm sure they know that the times will inevitably pass them by and we remain locked inexorably to greater ties amongst each other. It's too late to go back. And why would we want to?

(( Well, if our brave new world was being led by some of the UESers at the debate, I could understand their fear but... ))

Friday, November 18, 2005

Overzealous FREEMAN v. HACKMAN

Ladies and gentlemen,

For some time, in the real world, Overzealous Prosecutors have debated the question: who has had the worse career, Gene Hackman or Morgan Freeman? I don't want to go too deeply into the debate on-line-- we await your comments.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Overzealous Nittany Lions

Every now and then I come across some outstanding videos. I simply can't get enough of this one, which I post on this blog with Disco in mind:

Nittany Lions perform THRILLER


Nittany Lion performs NAPOLEON DYNAMITE

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Overzealous TRAITORS

Anyone who is happy with South Carolina beating UF is a traitor. I love SOS as much as the next guy but SOS is NOT bigger than UF. No one person or entity is bigger than UF. I find it very hard to believe in this so-called justice BS spewed off in the previous post.

Whomever wrote that garbage in the previous post (gee, I wonder who it was) should be embarrassed for themselves. Gator Nation is embarrassed to have you as fans. SOS is now the enemy, his previous deeds not forgotten, but SOS is the enemy. SOS could have had any other coaching job he wanted but he chose to take the one where he would be forced to come into the Swamp and try and beat his alma mater. It baffles me, and so do these so called Gator fans.

In all kinds of weather...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Overzealous ... Something


I think we should take a poll. I want to know if Curtis and Kyle recognize these girls because I have my hunches.

Is this video done by girls at:
-Iowa State
-South Dakota
-Ft. Meade

How about this video?

This is too depressing to be from the Meade, too Donnie Darko. But what about THIS?

Of course, we wouldn't want to forget Inverness's artistic contributions. Or how about this girl? Hahah just kidding, she's a Meadean.

This is mostly me and my pals
. Anyway.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Overzealous Predictions

This week the biggest game of the NCAA football season will be on television. Live from Columbia, on FOX, the Florida Gators mount an assault on the South Carolina Gamecocks. Now that people know the "USC" in California is just an imposter, they are taking notice of this new SEC East powerhouse, which in its first year of rebirth, already has a chance to tie for 1st in the SEC East. This remarkable turn of events was caused by ONE man:


But don't take my word for it. In fact, please read this excerpt on the subject from one of the state's premiere columnists:

But all of us also know that it's really never been about how good Urban Meyer can be. It's always been about whether or not he can be better than the guy who will always define this program -- Stephen Orr Spurrier.

That is why this Saturday's road game against South Carolina isn't just a big test.

It's Urban Meyer's first-semester final exam.

Even if he turns your stomach, you still can't turn him off. He titillates and fascinates, cajoling and compelling our attention. What Spurrier's done at South Carolina has been this season's most intriguing story in the SEC, perhaps even in all of college football.

Spurrier has the South Carolina Gamecocks at 6-3, which is only one game behind Urban Meyer's 7-2 record at UF. And if USC wins this Saturday, then the records are identical, both overall and in the SEC.

But comparing USC to UF isn't fair. Not when you look at the talent. Comparing USC's talent to UF's talent is like comparing a Kia to a Cadillac.

So here's a better comparison, a better gauge.


You know what that is?

That's the score Florida went on the road and beat South Carolina by back in 2001, when Steve Spurrier last coached the Gators. I have a question. Do you think UF will come anywhere near beating the Gamecocks by 37 points this Saturday?

(The columnist respectfully pauses here to allow room for a laugh track.)

The larger question, the real question, of course, is whether the Gators will win at all? If they don't, think of the weeping and gnashing of the teeth in Gator Nation. Because, if Urban Meyer can't beat Steve Spurrier now, when South Carolina has little, if any, talent to speak of, then what does that bode for the future?

With this in mind, Overzealous Prosecutors welcomes your predictions on the game. If you comment them I will put them in the edited version of this post. As of right now, they stand:

Disco: USC wins 38-21
Admiral: USC wins 34-17
Curtis Riddle: USC wins 23-17
ButchDavis: UF wins 41-20
Mike Brown: UF wins 24-17
TheGreatOne: UF wins 28-10
Brian Reves: UF wins 35-17
Scotty Reynolds: UF wins 27-24

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Overzealous Shatner

Since Shatner is such a star, I figured I'd give him his own post here. I've done some digging and found more great videos of him.

Watch Kirk kick Picard's sorry ass in Star Trek Generations
, the way the film should have been done.

Watch someone who looks like me pay respect to William Shatner in Warp Factor Love. My favorite line is "I don't care about the PRIME DIRECTIVE!"

Watch Shatner get inside the heads of woolly monsters. I have seriously never heard such an educated analysis about Mugatu-- parodied of course by Will Farrell in Zoolander.


Thought we were done? Nope: watch this student skit featuring a Shatner voiceover from his award-winning Grammy buzz-generating album Has Been.

Finally... guys... I don't know if you're ready for this. I know I wasn't. This is a full detailed life story interview with William Shatner by the Academic of Television and Arts and whatever/whoever/who cares. It's remarkable interview, but conducted in 1999 so it lacks some of the best years of his life. You can Google video search "Shatner" and see the other 4 parts. This is breathtaking.

Overzealous Recording Deals

As much as I love dead blogs, I figured I would post a little note. On Drudge, they have a funny little Newsweek Aniston column. She had these poignant comments to wrap up her survey of life and times:
Radiohead. When are they going to make a new album? Where are they? Where did they go? I also want to know why Steve Perry left Journey.

In unrelated news, it seems that William Shatner is continuing his smash hit recording career with performances alongside country star Brad Paisley. Everyone's trying to sign him to new recording deals, so it seems as though old fashioned slow-dance groups like Radiohead are being left behind by the innovators.He continues to generate Grammy buzz. Take this incredible, fawning review:
I think I love William Shatner. Maybe I did all along and didn't know it. Not in the way a man loves a man, but the way a man loves an artist, a courageous trier

Or this wonderful moment from the same column:
You definitely have to be old enough to remember Shatner's run as Capt. Kirk to have understood a reference to "Star Trek" nemeses on "Boston Legal." Spader spoke of sea lice wiping out salmon: "They call them cling-ons." Shatner's eyes froze, as if an old soldier's wounds split open: "Did you say ... Klingons?"


If you can't help yourself and want more SHATNER, in the way Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell, then travel here and be amazed.