Overzealous Prosecutors

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Overzealous Desegregation

You've seen Forrest Gump. You know that in the 1950s and 1960s our country struggled with desegregation. What a lot of people don't know is that in fact many districts had successfully fought off the federal's mandates of desegregation until Richard Nixon came into office. When Nixon brought his power to bear, the problem slipped away. Nixon is underrated.

But you all know that.

What you may not know is that before Nixon got to the scene on a national level for this problem, STEVE SPURRIER tackled it here in the south. Specifically, right here in Gainesville.





Neither James Spader nor William Shatner have been nominated for this year's Golden Globes. My theory is that this is because the show took a pretty radical turn in its politics as well as hokiness, what with clown intimidation and beastiality and... god knows what else...

But the voters should not take it out on SHATNER who CARRIES this show and who everyone thinks is the purest television delight since Captain James T. Kirk hit the airwaves. This is a HUGE mistake.

And DON'T FORGET that both Shatner and Spader WON LAST YEAR. Not just the Golden Globes but the Emmys. If the respective academies do not start putting out awards that correspond to reality and what the folks want, then I daresay that their days are numbered.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Overzealous Dancing....with the "Stars"

We here at OP would like to reveal the contestants in the latest Dancing with the Stars installment on ABC, along with some comments and our choice as a winner.

  • Wayne's World star Tia Carrere - asian people dont have rythym so she won't win
  • Journalist Giselle Fernandez- who???
  • George Hamilton- he's still alive??
  • WWE's Stacy Keibler- she used to be a cheerleader and someone similar won last time.
  • ESPN's Kenny Mayne - he will probably be the first one gone
  • Super Bowl champ Jerry Rice- Black people can dance
  • Rapper Romeo - he's not lil anymore...he's also not famous
  • Oscar winner Tatum O'Neal - she'll overdose sometime during the production and be replaced by corey haim.
  • Soap Talk's Lisa Rinna - um, we liked her on Melrose.
  • 98 Degrees singer Drew Lachey - yes this is Nick's brother and yes we are still hoping for the 98 degrees reunion.

  • AND MY PICK TO WIN IS....STACY KEIBLER, Winning narrowly over Jerry Rice

    The new season starts January 5th at 8 on ABC and I, for one, overzealously endorse it.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    Overzealous Facebook Living

    Ladies and Gentlemen, do yourselves a favor and listen to "Facebook Living." This masterpiece is the first song dedicated to the facebook. The creative genius who has come out with this, the next great Billboard hit, is Nsami. His lyrics include:

    You a thug but your profile soft

    I'm not gettin poked by no goddamn men

    Facebook is like a drug in the community/
    all I do is think about it, damn what did it do to me

    Under usual circumstances I would overzealously prosecute Nsami, but I fully support this great artist's work.

    Sunday, December 04, 2005

    Overzealous Clarification

    There have been a lot of rumors lately swirling around Swamp Pundette-gate. I want to put some of them to rest.

    First of all, no, we are not yet sure why SP said the things she did at the Senate meeting. We are continuing our investigation into this matter. I assure you that we WILL get to the bottom of this.

    Second, we have not yet presented any indictments. The public is understandably confused over the matter because of the curiously quick and pointed denials by SP. Please refer all inquiries on that matter to SP herself.

    Third, our fact-finding continues to impress and amaze but don't nominate us for any awards quite yet. We put our pants on one leg at a time, too... we just make gold records. And prosecute allied bloggers.

    Finally, we will keep you updated as this issue continues to IMPACT....

    Friday, December 02, 2005

    Overzealous Swamp Pundette DISMAY!!!

    ***OP EXCLUSIVE***

    OP has uncovered evidence that the Swamp Pundette has been involved with the worst kind of left-wing, anti-life demagoguery-- and that she drove up from Orlando to do it. Sit down for this. From The Independent Florida Alligator:

    Former Sen. Mother Jones [NAME CHANGE TO PROTECT THE ACCUSED] said she drove from Orlando to address the Senate on Tuesday night.

    JONES asked senators if they “can force all students to wear blue armbands,” referring to armbands Student Body Treasurer Jamal Sowell and Vice President Kate Honey wore during their SG campaign in support of a hunger strike outside Taco Bell’s California headquarters.

    SP asked Senators to do *what*? At this point, SG candidates had not yet been eviscerated by UES interrogators, so it is almost tempting to forgive this extraordinary indiscretion. However, SP is a leader in the conservative movement. Moreover, she is THE leader of the local Condi Rice fan club. Most importantly, she is a HUGE fan of Steve SPURRIER!!

    SP-- come clean. What happened here? Did someone threaten your family? Did union workers threaten Steve Spurrier? You know that you can't deal with terrorists, SP. Whatever the case, the spin stops here.

    ***UPDATE 0313 hours***

    Even big fans of SP are wondering what happened to her. TheGreatOne, an OP, says that her "bowden thing was genius," but had this to say when informed about the ultraliberal campaign: "wow that is big news. swamp pundette-gate."

    Overzealous JUSTICE: Remastered

    Hey everyone,

    Every now and then I like to go back and take a look at my greatest hits, recraft them a bit, add in completely useless graphics, and then make some more money. Since people loved OP's Overzealous JUSTICE article so much, I have brought it back and done just that--

    And also to celebrate the fact that South Carolina deserves to be playing in the prestigious Outback Bowl on January 2nd while Florida tries to get some respect in the Independence Bowl (maybe). Apparently, villainous forces have, in the past few days, gathered in order to cloud USC's bowl picture. Hopefully those ppl read this post.


    (( And check out Swamp Pundette's groundbreaking post on Bobby Bowden ))


    You've been hearing it all year long. You have heard the Overzealous Prosecutors, some of them anyway, telling you, BEGGING you to look at South Carolina.

    Today, the Gator Nation achieved justice.

    Steve Spurrier sent a message-- there will be JUSTICE. There will be PEACE. There will be good in this world, free of tyranny. Now football fans are freed, more free than they have been since 2001 under Spurrier's assault. Inspired by players who courageously faced Gators 3x their speed, their size, their ability, inspired by the coach who could, the coach who lived, fans will see a new game.

    Indeed, we have reached the end of history. This is a new era and I am both excited and frightened. Anything is possible.

    The University of South Carolina Gamecocks beat the University of Florida 30-22. OPs Disco and Admiral tied for the closest to the actual score, while Curtis Riddle achieved the closest victory margin.

    Bernie Machen, Jeremy Foley... you've been served. Urban failed his exam, and so your time running the Gator Nation is almost over. The Gator NATION achieved victory today-- soon, perhaps, we will have a University President ready to unleash the people's creative energies and bring our nation together country-wide. Perhaps, too, our football program may recover and get coached up-- to treat their opponents, including overachieving ones like USC, with respect, to play to the maximum of their skill, and not the maximum of their comfort zones.

    Gators, unite, and heal. This is what we needed.

    A new day dawns.

    Thank you, Steve Spurrier.